My random thoughts…
Just updated website… http://www.dehlia.in
The home page is created using Sphinx and docutils | reStructuredText
Time is never wasted. Its invested.
Define “waste of time“?
May be, I am wasting time — while putting this random blog!
May be, You are wasting time — while reading this random blog/tweet!
For me, this is not a waste of time. Its an investment of time.
Remember! Time is money.
There are many types of investments…
Continue reading Is it a waste of time?
Recently, on the announcement of Nobel Prize for Peace being awarded to Obama… a great hype was created. Google query nobel+obama+joke already hits 2.3 Million pages.
But, where did it all begin? When was Nobel Prize created? I guess it was when the inventor of Dynamite, a weapon of Mass Destruction, realized “Oh God! What have I done!” To make sure history not only remembers himself as a merchant of death, Nobel Prize would have been formulated.
Now! What will happen when Obama or the people who awarded Peace prize to Barack Obama realize their probable mistake? The best thing to do is follow the suite of Alfred Nobel… Create a new prize for those who really work for world peace… The Obama Peace Prize.
Against me and God, What advantage does GOD have?
What a beautiful monday morning.
What has kept me busy? Or rather me and my tweeples busy?
I just came across the competition for http://tweeterwall.mallplace.com/tw/india/ms-twitter. I am not bothered about the price of being a winner. Also, what was the price given to the Olympic winners first few years? Any Idea? Tell me what are your thoughts?
Its never about what you get after the victory. The victory is much more important.
Last night, my page from MsTwitterIndia contest was removed. But then, today, thanks to some very good tweeples, I am back at no. 2. Back into competition. Please vote for me http://tweeterwall.mallplace.com/tw/vote/10821/17. And, if you are not already, follow me on twitter for some thoughts on philosophy.
What is the reason for the comeback from No.1 -> Nowhere -> No.1?
Am I so great? I am far far way from greatness. I am a simple human being.
But, my Tweeples are great. A great thanks to all of them who have spared some of their time to vote for me almost every 20 minutes or so.
Update: 2009.06.14 20:08
Original @gulpanag was at number 2 yesterday night. Me at No. 1., Today Me at No. 1, @Mallika at No.2. @gulpanag is back in the list. I also vote for @gulpanag
A question was raised, in an earlier post. Should Women be counted equal to men? The response was as expected.
Any ways, here is my opinion. I am not sure if you have Devanagari (indic, hindi) fonts,
यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते, रमन्ते तत्र देवा:।
This sentence alone means a lot. Let me try to break up the words for those unaware of Sanskrit.
यत्र (Where) नार्यस्तु (Women) पूज्यन्ते (Worshiped) रमन्ते- (Dwell,stay) तत्र (there) देवा:।(Gods)
Few women are worth worshiping. Its not difficult to identify these heavenly – divine species around you. For me my mother is the fore most. Hinduism also talks about many gods and goddesses. All are unique. But all deserve the same respect. The god in the temple, and the god in my home (my mother) all get the same respect from me.
I do not talk about the “self sustained dignity” type of females. Most agree that Sachin Tendulkar is the God of Cricket. He deserves that place in History. But, Not all agree would with it. Atleast Sachin Tendulkar would deny this fact of being GOD of Cricket. Look for these kind of Goddesses around.
Think about this. And share your thoughts. Do you have someone around you, who deserves much more respect,. The higer place besides all Gods and Goddesses…
This time in the lok sabha elections of 2009 India, there are 59 women MPs.
The question for women’s rights should obviously be put forward!
What do you think?
Should women be given equal rights as men?
Share your thoughts, my thoughts would follow.
Update: My Thoughts