Recently, on the announcement of Nobel Prize for Peace being awarded to Obama… a great hype was created. Google query nobel+obama+joke already hits 2.3 Million pages.
But, where did it all begin? When was Nobel Prize created? I guess it was when the inventor of Dynamite, a weapon of Mass Destruction, realized “Oh God! What have I done!” To make sure history not only remembers himself as a merchant of death, Nobel Prize would have been formulated.
Now! What will happen when Obama or the people who awarded Peace prize to Barack Obama realize their probable mistake? The best thing to do is follow the suite of Alfred Nobel… Create a new prize for those who really work for world peace… The Obama Peace Prize.
hahaha…funny and satirical but it can’t be said no…in near future, there will be Obama Peace Prize…
Its a real joke on humanity.
I guess, the Nobel Prize is given to Obama so that he does not indulge into violence. He may at-least try to be peaceful to respect the Noble Peace Prize. This can be a tactical move by the Noble Committee. If that is true, it is a realy pity on the current state of Humanity.
Just my 2 cents.
Your pretty insightful – A LOT of people agree with you here in the states.
Thanks (Anonymous). Merry chirstmas and a happy new year to you.