Added testimonials to the book

I just just added the testimonials received on my book.

Also made some minor updates to user interface.  If you are a regular viewer, you would notice few changes in the sidebar.

Since Helios is here… I am getting ready to get the book up and ready for publishing.  As of now, I am thinking of using or to publish the book.  Do you have any other suggestions?

Updating the web layout of the book

I am right now updating the layout of my book on using Eclipse for C/C++ Software development

Changes in the web interface:

  • Added Facebook & Twitter like button at the bottom
  • Link to this category added to monitor updates/changes.

Learnings so far:

  • Tried to use Facebook to build up the community, did not work as expected. So now thinking of using this blog to build up the community. One of them would survive at the end! 😀
  • People seem to love the PDF Copy.  But it kills my bandwidth. So using emails to distribute the PDF.
  • Emails:
    • People don’t seem to use/like email directly. I don’t know why?
    • I used “book @” as a general mechanism for feedback… not much response.
    • People seem to like And, it’s easy for me too

Spread the word about my book to all your near and dear ones…. 🙂