Prefect lose lose situation.. …

Prefect lose lose situation.. 2day Lose #health while running behind #money 2moro lose money 2 restore health.

3 thoughts on “Prefect lose lose situation.. …”

  1. This is a blog, but it seems like a micro blogging site as twitter…
    Very much impressed by your one liner blog… ๐Ÿ˜€
    And whatever you have written is the truth….

    1. Thanks Aakar…

      But I believe in The Geeta Philosophy….
      “It is done through me. It is not done by me”

      “Main to nimitt maatra hoon”

      1. ummm yes its in Geeta and seems cool… but โ€œMain to nimitt maatra hoonโ€ basically says, God is there to do everything, You just have to act… As Krishna suggest Arjun… But I don’t think so… We do for ourself for own self…


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